Mobile App Development is the fastest growing market in the domain of software production. With the increasing number of people using the internet on their smartphones and tablets, mobile app development brings in more opportunities for businesses to target a larger group of potential customers. However, when it comes to developing an app a very common question arises, which one to choose between Android and iOS operating systems.
The fact is that both of these platforms have their pros and cons. Being aware of them makes it easier to choose and decide between one of them depending upon your requirements and the targeted customer base.
Android App Development: Pros & Cons
Android applications are made using C++, Java, and Kotlin with the help of Google tools such as Android SDK, Firebase, and Android Jetpack.
Some of the various advantages of Android App Development are:
- Fragmentation: Android Apps now not only run on smartphones and tablets but also on smart televisions, car audio systems, smartwatches, refrigerators, and others. The range of android-compatible devices is enormous which opens much more business opportunities.
- Open System: Android Developers get access to more features as compared to iOS Developers.
- Any system is suitable for work: Be it Windows, Linux, or Mac – Android Studio and SDK programs are compatible for all platforms.
- Development Environment: The system of Android Studio Development is based on the world’s best environment- IntelliJ IDEA. It has easy navigation, automatic code formatting, smart code analysis, etc.
- Design: Android Developers use extensive Google design guidelines to develop an intuitive user interface.
- Release: As compared to iOS, Android applications are easier to publish on Google Play. The whole task may take just a few hours to complete.

Besides the advantages, everything has a downside too!
- Testing: The Android devices have a lot of diversities. Thus, more time is taken by the Quality Assurance (QA) Specialists in testing the App.
- Costly: The more time is taken in the development and testing stages, the higher will be the Android App cost. Not only this, but the pricing also depends upon the features and the complexity of the Apps.
iOS App Development: Pros & Cons:
Unlike Android, iOS has a closed source code, the reason why the system operates solely on Apple Devices. The iOS Developers build applications in Objective-C or Swift languages with the help of tools like iOS SDK, XCode, Swift Playgrounds, etc.
Some of the key advantages of iOS App Development:
- Revenue: You may already know about the fact that Apple users spend more money in-app purchases as compared to Android users. This is a great advantage for business owners.
- Certainty in Devices: If you opt to build your app using iOS then you only need to adjust it for Apple Devices. The development of it will also take very little time as compared to Android App Building.
- Style Guide: Each device of Apple including iPad, iPhone, iWatch, Mac OS, Apple TV requires its own approach. Apple provides its developers with a detailed style guide for the App UI that makes the development process faster and easier.
- Transparency of Updates: Apple is improving its guidelines for iOS App Development every year but it does not leave its users in the dark. It explains how to replace current code elements with more productive ones.
Disadvantages of iOS:
- App Release: The App Store has very strict review guidelines. Your app might get rejected if it has a poor connection, safety problems or if it’s slow. Besides this, the developer should submit the app for real-life testing which mostly takes a few days.
- Flexibility: It is hard to customize the iOS Apps as the platform has many restrictions.
Which One to Prefer for Your Business?
Taking into account the above-mentioned advantages and disadvantages will help you in making the right decision. All you need to do is to evaluate your needs, development costs, future app concept and then only make a choice. In brief, you can select an Android App if:
- you are looking forward to capturing a larger audience.
- you want to shorten your time on the app store.
- customizing the applications is one of your priorities.
You can pick development for iOS if:
- you are aiming to make big profits.
- you want to have a fast and easy development process.
- you put the privacy and security of your users first.
It is best to choose the most suitable platform for your business depending upon your target audience and make your applications run on it. In the future, you can also launch a similar product for another OS. All the successful applications should be present on both platforms as this may double the revenue. If you want to develop any of the operating systems and looking for an App Development Company to do the same then you can consider us. Infoneo works on both the OS and delivers its services at the best prices.