
Top SEO Strategy of 2022 You Need To Know As A Startup

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Initiating a Startup can be exhausting, especially when the best of your products and services go unnoticed. The whole idea of revolutionizing the market with something unexplored goes in vain if your unique new launches fail to reach the right audience.

Imagine you create a product or a service which perfectly caters to the ongoing unserved needs of people. You have spent thousands of hard-working hours planning, testing, re-testing, designing, and coding the same. Now, you are in its final stage, i.e., the launch and marketing. And, the true challenge starts here.

The marketing and the SEO Strategy don’t come naturally. Startups know what they are launching but do not usually possess the knowledge of publicizing their launched product or service to the right audiences. And that is completely fine because you can’t be an expert in everything. But of course, you can learn everything.

We have some of the best SEO Strategies for you through which you will be able to understand and implement the basics of SEO in the early stages of your startup. However, in the later phases, you will need a dedicated SEO Expert to deliver organic results to your company. But, don’t worry about that. You can find the best and experienced SEO experts at For now, let’s gain an insight into the basic SEO strategies that you must know to give the initial publicity to your startup.

Few of the SEO Marketing Strategies: 

  1. Relevant Keyword Search: You need to research and incorporate the keyword phrases in your online content relevant to the product or service you provide. Doing so will help Google in indexing and people in finding out the information they are looking for.

Researching the right keywords for your product/ service will help you reach your targeted niche and attract potential customers from competitors. At Infoneo, our SEO Marketing experts help you gain an organic pool of customers in a cost and time-effective manner.

  1. Meta Title & Description: Every Business needs Meta Titles and Meta Description relevant to the products and services it provides. The accurate the meta title and description you select, the right audiences you reach.
  2. Mobile Optimized Website: Nowadays, people visit websites more on mobile phones than their PCs or Laptops. This makes it crucial to optimize your websites and make them compatible with the screen of smartphones. By doing so you can even get more business opportunities as everyone is connected to their handsets almost all the time.
  3. SEO Link Building: The most crucial and essential part of any SEO campaign is Link Building. The backlinks have a great impact on the search engine rankings. Google ranks a website based on the number and quality of links you provide. So, your website must have a huge list of quality external link sources. By this, you can rank the website really well for competitive keywords. You can avail yourself of the SEO Link Building Services by
  4. Image Optimization: It is one of the most crucial factors which influences ranking on Google. And the reason behind this importance is – it lets even the crawlers know what your website is all about and how much relevant information you have for them. The well-optimized and eye-catching designs and layouts help you rank your website high on Search Engines.

The process of Image Optimization is very significant to make your website successful and run smoothly. Compressing the image and selecting the correct file type helps your website load quickly on all the users’ devices. All this happens without compromising the user experience and the quality of the image.

  1. Content Quality: The next important factor for improving the ranking on search engine result pages is the quality of the content. Google and the other Search Engines rank the website looking at a variety of factors. The most important among which is to keep your content fresh and relevant to your website. The other is to update your content with new images and information consistently, which keeps your content relevant to current trends and increases the chances of users clicking and going through it, rather than going to a website or page which contains old or outdated content.
  2. All The Links Should Work Correctly: Worried about how to know if the links are working properly or not? No worries, we are here to help you and let you know about it. It is good to check all the links manually by clicking on them individually before publishing updated or new content posts.

The other thing you should keep in mind is hiding or taking down the live page while it is under construction or modification. It would save your users from getting confused and protect your content from any accidental leakage.

  1. Promote Your Website Through Social Media: Social Media is a great tool for building awareness and interest in your brand online. The most amazing fact about social media is that it’s not just about advertising. It allows you to interact, build strong relationships, and brand etiquette with your potential customers.

 Social Media is an amazing and powerful tool for spreading information across the globe within seconds. And this is one of the best platforms for businesses and startups looking for a target audience with tight marketing budgets.

  1. Easy To Understand URLs: The URLs made should be easily understandable and be as short as possible. They should be small so that they can fit into one line on the small screens of smartphones, Tabs, or any other mobile devices. The URL made should not exceed the 140 characters limit.

If you are looking forward to someone who can do all this for you and make your site rank higher on the search engine, you must contact We provide the best SEO Digital Marketing services. Please don’t waste any more time, and hire our experienced SEO Experts to deliver organic results for your company.